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Want to sponsor AIME events?


For organizations who wish to sponsor AIME events, please conact us for further details.


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Our Events

Why Sponsor AIME?  
Experience from a past sponsor:

  • Vast and diverse target audience with endless opportunities – AIME has a very diverse group of members, and volunteers, which range from different ages, occupations, and backgrounds.

  • AIME hosts different events for each different group. For example, there have been events for new mothers and how to provide their babies with the best care and there have been events for professionals, such as dentists, pharmacists and doctors on business management and tax planning.

  • Events for different groups of AIME members and volunteers provide advertisers and sponsors to selectively promote their products and/or services to the appropriate target market.

  • Opportunities to interact with target audience – AIME values its sponsors very much and provides every possible opportunity for its sponsors to interact with its members and volunteers at sponsored events 


Legal Disclaimer
Information presented at seminars or otherwise are intended for general information purposes only. Audience is recommended to consult with qualified professional (including healthcare provider) and obtain professional advice and subsequent management for your particular situations. The views and opinions expressed by the speakers/ writers do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of Assisting in Medical Expectations. 

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